Automatically celebrate Years of Service Awards & employee milestones

Never miss another employee Years of Service Award, birthday or anniversary thanks to automated celebrations from WorkTango.

Recognize and reward Years of Service & other important milestones

  • Connect your HRIS system to enable easy, automated recognitions for work anniversaries and other milestones – and ensure managers never miss key dates
  • Choose to offer either a preset amount of points or tokens as a reward to accompany Years of Service Awards, to be redeemed for Custom Company Swag or options from WorkTango’s Rewards Marketplace
  • Easily highlight years of service in the activity feed to allow for coworker Comments and additional recognition through “High-Fives”
  • Automatically recognize new hires on their first day, after one week, or any time period you wish to acknowledge

Celebrate birthdays and other life events

  • Automate birthday celebrations for all your employees while allowing employees to opt out if desired
  • Offer employees the option for Recognition to be displayed publicly or privately on the newsfeed
  • Automatically add either points or tokens as a reward to be redeemed for Custom Company Swag or options from the Rewards Marketplace

Pair recognition with 10M+ reward choices

  • Automatically offer preset points or tokens along with employee milestone recognitions
  • Offer employees meaningful rewards choices through WorkTango’s extensive Rewards Marketplace, which includes popular brands such as Apple and Amazon
  • Create custom reward offerings that reflect your unique company culture
  • Easily manage rewards budgets through in-platform tools – and zero markup on rewards points

Featured Recognition & Rewards Resources

Want to see WorkTango’s Recognition & Rewards software in action?